Saturday, August 13, 2011

Lessons in dirt bikes

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We went to the Mannington Fair on Thursday afternoon. We went only to see the livestock and the horse shows, and the biggest excitement; the motorcross demonstration! Elijah couldn't wait for it! I Remove Formatting from selectionmust confess, I, myself was really excited! I have secretly loved dirt bikes since I was a kid! I had a friend growing up who, when I stayed at her house let me ride her brother's mini dirt bike! I was in Heaven! Not real lady-like, I know, but I love it lol. So, I must say that seeing these guys do tricks off of ramps high in the air was the highlight of my and my son's evening. When you see how they defy gravity like they do, sometimes completely coming off of their bikes and then grabbing on right before the bike hits the ramp! Amazing! We just sit with our mouths open in awe. I am thinking, man if I had just kept practicing maybe I could have done some of that! (I doubt it but its fun to imagine lol) Anyway, if we as humans, can do such gravity defying, mouth dropping, awe inspiring "tricks", imagine how much more the Lord can do in our lives! He has already done awe inspiring, mouth dropping things. Jesus came here lived a perfect life, spoke in ways that made people speechless, dropping their jaws in awe, healed the blind, raised the dead,made the lame walk! Then he did the ultimate "gravity defying feat" of all he defeated death, hell and the grave, and rose from the dead!!! This is the power we have inherited, if you are living your life for Him. He wants to do things in your life that defys evil and sin, makes the world stand in awe and wanting! Oh the "gravity defying" things He can do in you! But, are you allowing Him to do it, are you "getting on that dirt bike" and letting Him take you at break neck speeds up that ramp so He can use you, or are you just watching from the stands, with your mouth open too, wishing and dreaming it could be you? Come on get on your "bike!" See what awesome things the Lord has for you!

1 comment:

  1. It looks good! Two of your picture links are showing up as broken, though. :(

    I think you make a really good point about us trusting God and the awesome things He wants to do in our lives and even through us! A good challenge!
